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Angelo Armentano. Päckchen für Kirgistan Angelo Armentano. Päckchen für Kirgistan

»Shutter ("Inter" n°9)«, Installation, black and white photocopies , format A3 each, from original drawing, graphite on paper cm. 150x300. Dimension of the room, 2007

»Net ("Inter" n°10)«, Installation, black and white photocopies , format A3 each, from original drawing, graphite on paper cm. 150x300. Dimension of the room, 2007

The two installations are formed of tens of photocopies each , of a portion of the respective original drawings pencil on paper "Net" (cm. 150x 300), and "Shutter" (cm. 150x300), of the series "Inter", from Latin: "Between"," In the middle".

The photocopies drawn near and, partially, superimposed cover a whole wall that has no interruptions of any kind, making a uniform whole, in which the different sheets recompose the original drawing but to environmental size. Together with the graphic continuity of the drawing, however, it is possible to perceive the single "pieces" of which is constituted each of the two works since the photocopies are not glued (between them and on the wall), in a joint manner, but only to the superior angles in a way that the representation does not look like a drawing on the wall or like a sole large drawing on paper. That is for giving a better idea of a diaphragm, of "something that stands in the middle" (..between the onlooker and the wall. .), that the eyes catch the "substance" of the loosing (flying) photocopies sheets on whose surface stands the drawing perceived such as.

The modular nature of the drawing makes sure that each photocopy, arranged " all- page" or for "fragments", rearranging the drawing (that for the repetitiveness of its parts, for the same greater dimensions of the knitting of the net and of the shutter), take it away (simply in the obviousness of what they represent), to the icastic and contingent dimension, to place it on the abstraction and on the symbolic plan.

The "symbolic value" and the "material function" of the net and of the shutter, come to a perfect unity and identification since the separation (reducing the unity in two entities), peculiar to the function of the net and of the shutter in reality,it refers to immediately, on the symbolic plan, to at the moment of the distinction and of the separation : therefore, to underline, variety and differences on the plane of membership and of culture.That it is how much we fear of and would really avoid.

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